Architecting a Low-Cost Agile Tool using SharePoint Technology

Be Agile to be Agile! 

K.P. Senthilkumar (KPS), primarily an ITIL v3 Certified Expert in Process Consulting, also took on the role of SharePoint Consultant during his tenure at Airbus. Leveraging his dual expertise, KPS architected several SharePoint-based solutions to support both the Runmode and Project Management teams. This article highlights how KPS proposed and successfully built a cost-effective tool using Airbus’s internal platform, 'iShare,' within a challenging time frame. The solution added significant value to both his consulting group and the client, delivering impactful results on a limited budget.

The organization’s initial attempt to procure an industry-standard tool was halted due to the high costs associated with such platforms. In his capacity as Methods & Tools Consultant, KPS proposed an alternative: a quick, simple tool that could be piloted using the existing SharePoint platform, 'iShare.'

Proposal and Solution: 

KPS’s proposal aligned with the customer’s vision of using the least investment possible, suggesting that they use the remaining ICT budget for a few sprints and pilot the solution in selected projects. Although the financial support for the development was approved, there were concerns about compliance, as the tool is yet to be developed and due for undergoing quality reviews for approval.

To address these concerns, KPS proposed running the development of the tool itself using the Scrum methodology. The project was structured into four sprints, with each sprint delivering shippable features of the tool. These features would enable smaller teams to manage Scrum-based projects efficiently.


The project kicked off with an initial sprint dedicated to setting up the platform for development, drafting user stories, and building a product backlog. During this sprint, KPS conducted a series of interviews with ICT and governance stakeholders to gather requirements. He also built a development team consisting of two developers—one onsite and one offshore.

Throughout Sprints 1, 2, 3, and 4, KPS’s team groomed the user stories and received feedback dynamically. Each sprint resulted in the delivery of new features, bug fixes, and enhancements to the tool. The tool was designed with a clean, professional interface, including a product backlog and a Kanban-like sprint board featuring cards categorized into "To Do," "Doing," and "Done" columns. The navigation was kept minimal, with a hidden left-side action menu, optimizing the user experience.

Client Engagement and Success: 

At the end of each sprint, KPS and his team presented the tool to client stakeholders, receiving valuable feedback and adjusting the product accordingly. By the end of the fourth sprint, the product owner demonstrated the tool to Airbus ICT’s top management, gaining an instant buy-in.

KPS’s project management and agile approach were highly praised by both the client and other stakeholders, resulting in positive feedback via emails that became a testimony to his service line. The tool quickly earned a reputation for ICT as a solution provider within Airbus, further strengthening KPS’s position as a trusted consultant.

Branding and Evolution: 

In an effort to engage the broader team and create a strong brand for the tool, KPS ran an internal survey to generate ideas for a catchy name. After considering several options, he decided on "SAM: Simple Agile Manager." The name helped position the tool as a cost-saving solution that could save hundreds of thousands of Euros when integrated with Airbus’s existing enterprise SharePoint system.

The design was minimalist, with ample whitespace, which won over the client’s French staff, known for their appreciation of aesthetic simplicity. SAM’s template allowed administrators to create a blank SharePoint site for any Scrum team with a single click, providing them with the necessary lists to manage their user stories, acceptance criteria, risk management records, and tasks. As teams progressed, they could use a drag-and-drop feature to move user stories across the sprint board, with automatic updates to the records.

SAM was piloted on several projects and quickly gained approval from Airbus ICT as a cost-effective alternative to more expensive tools.


Through careful planning, strategic alignment with the client’s goals, and agile execution, KPS successfully delivered a low-cost, high-impact tool that transformed the way Airbus managed its Scrum projects. SAM not only streamlined operations but also demonstrated ability to innovate and provide solutions that aligned with the client’s budget and operational needs.